Johnstone & Lloyd, LLC offers a variety of professional services to increase the resilience of your organization.
We spend a great deal of time thinking of what can go wrong; and even more time planning how to prevent it from happening, or preparing to mitigate its effects, if it does occur.
Most importantly: we help you decide how you're going to get back on your feet...
before the incident even occurs.
Contact us regarding (in alphabetical order):
Academic Emergency Preparedness
Emergency preparedness training, such as AED/CPR or Active Threat training, can give your staff the skills to properly react to emergency situations to better protect yourself and assist others until responders arrive.
Active Shooter Response Training Programs
Active shooter/aggressor incidents are often unpredictable and evolve quickly. In the midst of the chaos, anyone can play an integral role in mitigating the impacts of an active shooter incident. J&L's training programs will enhance preparedness through a "whole community" approach by providing products, tools, and resources to help you prepare for and respond to an active shooter/aggressor incident.
Business Continuity
A proper Business Continuity Plan (BCP) will document the procedures and resources each department within your organization will use in the event of a disruption to keep the business impact to a minimum.
Community Outreach and Preparedness
Discover how your organization can benefit by collaborating with individuals and groups within the community to improve preparedness and respond to disasters and emergencies while building a culture of preparedness.
CMS Emergency Preparedness Requirements
J&L can help you make sure you meet national emergency preparedness requirements to ensure adequate planning for both natural and man-made disasters, and coordination with federal, state, tribal, regional and local emergency preparedness systems.
Emergency Operations Plans
J&L specializes in the creation of emergency operation plans that provide policies and procedures for the coordination of communications within your organization, the media, and the public in the event of an emergency. Emergencies may include fires, bomb threats, and acts of terrorism, natural disasters, or major crimes. The plan establishes guidelines for dealing with a variety of situations and to ensure that your organization's administration, staff and communicators are familiar with those procedures and their roles in the event of a crisis.
Exercise Planning
Powerful and effective scenario-based custom built exercises are at your finger tips with J&L's passionate approach to training and case study-based learning approaches.
Grant Writing
J&L has on-staff and contracted grant and proposal writers that provide services and are ready to assist your organization in competing for private and government grant monies.
Healthcare Emergency Exercises
Although The Joint Commission requires healthcare organizations to demonstrate disaster preparedness through the use of disaster exercises, the evaluation of these exercises often comes up lacking. J&L specializes in comprehensive and effective exercise creation and execution including pediatric and vulnerable population emergency planning.
HIPAA Privacy Risk Analysis
J&L can help you gain a greater detailed overview of the HIPAA compliance process and guide you through discovering the potential risks and vulnerabilities particular to your organization.
Infection Prevention and Control
Help keep your staff and patients safe with our comprehensive surveillance assessments and recommendations for best practices in relation to EMS, hospitals, health systems, private practices, and home health agencies.
Joint Commission (TJC) Preparedness
Laboratory Practice Assessments & Investigations
Having confidence in scientific procedures and data is the sine qua non for determining the safety of chemicals and chemical products as well as accurate outcomes. Since safety is the utmost concern in the laboratory environment, J&L exacts rigorous and thorough assessments of fundamental scientific practices, irrespective of the purpose of the study and where it is conducted—academic, industry, or a contract laboratory.
Organizational Resilience
Build resilience into Your organization and learn the steps to establishing Your strategy. Learn critical elements to measure and improve maturity of risk and resiliency programs.
Patient Satisfaction Surveys
Allow J&L to help you measure and improve the patient experience by bringing service to the next level and surpassing patient expectations. These surveys will drive quality of care improvement on many levels while challenging management to constantly improve patient and patient family experiences.
Project Risk Assessments
The last thing you want is for your new project to create more risks and interruptions for your organization. Projects are designed to take advantage of resources and opportunities and with these, come uncertainty, challenges and risk. Hence risk management becomes a very important key to all project success. J&L will address the process behind risk management allowing your project team to identify, categorize, prioritize and mitigate risk ahead of time and throughout the life of your project.
Regulatory Compliance
Our Experts can help you effectively manage a wide range of technical, legal, and industry-specific requirements, with an efficient and integrated approach, aimed at maximizing your success.
Risk and Security Assessments
RITN Reviews
J&L is prepared to perform not only basic risk assessments but is capable of of presenting educational trainings on The Radiation Injury Treatment Network (RITN) itself and providing the healthcare team education on patient management in the event of a radiation related disaster.
The Joint Commission (TJC) Preparedness Reviews
Management Plans, Safety, Security, Hazardous Materials, Utilities, Fire and Life Safety
Working with Responders and Researchers
Our team consists of men and women that have spent their lives in the field working with other responders and researcher through deployments to product and solution innovation.

Develop your own compass, and trust it. Take risks, dare to fail.
~ Aaron Sorkin
Finding and fixing system nodes of failure is how organizations ultimately succeed. ~ LCDR Matthew Lancaster